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1. This engagement shall commence on the date of signature at 9am and finish 12 month after the date of your last invoice.
2. Either party may terminate this contract at an earlier date by giving the other at least 4-week(s) notice in writing


3. Your job description is individual to you and discussed by your branch manager priory to being sent this contract. 


4. Fee: Showtime Circus or linked companies will pay you a pre determined fee per hour/per workshop/per day. This fee is inclusive of VAT, national insurance, income tax, professional indemnity, public liability insurance and travel expenses. You are responsible for any subsequent payment of Income Tax and National Insurance payments owed to HMRC.

5.1 The above fee will be payable on the 10th of the following month provided you have supplied and invoice by the last day of that month. 
5.2 Payment will be by bank transfer.
5.3 Invoices must include self-employed tax code and, if applicable, VAT registration number, as well as a statement saying that you are aware of your own tax and NI contributions. 

6. Expenses: Expenses will only be reimbursed if they have been agreed in advance with Showtime Circus or the relevant company, receipts must be provided.


8. Nothing in this document shall be read as creating a contract of employment or a partnership between you and Showtime Circus or relevant company.

9. In the case of absence, you are expected to source and provide your own suitable replacement. This person must meet the conditions of the person specification as described in the job description and must be able to present an enhanced DBS certificate. Showtime Circus will pay your fee as normal, and you shall be responsible for paying the person covering your work.

10. Intellectual Property: All data, working papers, reports and other documents produced or developed by you under this Agreement shall be the property of Showtime Circus and shall not be used by the Service Provider for any purpose without Showtime Circus’s prior consent. Any and ALL IP/operating procedures and services, such as structure games and otherwise must not be replicated anywhere outside of a Showtime Circus setting

11. Indemnity: You agree to reimburse Showtime Circus or any damage, costs or liability that Showtime Circus may incur due to your negligence or failure to adhere to the terms of this Agreement.

12. Insurance: You agree to maintain appropriate insurance cover to cover all risks that you may incur in providing services to Showtime Circus under this Agreement.


13.1 The parties shall use their best endeavors to settle any dispute which may arise between them under this Agreement.
13.2 If a dispute is not resolved to the satisfaction of both the parties within 10 working days the parties will attempt to settle it by mediation using a mediator appointed by Equity.
13.3 If the dispute is not resolved by mediation or if either party will not participate in the mediation, either party may commence legal proceedings in the Courts of England.
13.4 This Contract is governed by English law and is subject to the jurisdiction of the English Courts.


14. Content: You are responsible for the planning and implementation of the services subject to the overall direction and supervision of Showtime Circus.

15. Teaching Aids/Equipment: You are personally responsible for the provision of teaching aids and sound equipment to be used in the running of the classes, except reasonable use of printing and/or photocopying. Showtime Circus cannot guarantee there will be a sound system in your teaching space, in this instance you must provide your own. 

16. Conditions: If services are cancelled due to circumstances beyond our control (including lack of interest) Showtime Circus will make every reasonable attempt to keep to dates and fee as per your contract. However, in extraordinary circumstances, dates may have to be altered and/or cancelled, in the latter instance, no teaching payment will be made.

16.1 You agree to repay Showtime Circus the fee of £600 (pro rata) should you leave the position within 6 months of completion of the training. 


17.1 Showtime Circus as part of its business practices under GDPR may share some personal data relating to some participants with its freelance staff if necessary. This includes, but is not limited to: Name, date of birth and exam results. Showtime Circus may also choose to share some special category data with a freelancer including, but not limited to: Medical/Disability Information. The latter is only shared with consent from the participant/their parent/guardian.
17.2 Any personal data appertaining to a participant is shared in the strictest confidence and must not be divulged to any third party at any time. (please note this includes cover teachers without Showtime Circus’s written consent)
17.3 Personal data must also not be used for profiling and/or any other purpose than the provision of services with Showtime Circus.
17.4 Nothing in this agreement shall prevent either party from complying with any legal obligation imposed by a regulator or court.
17.5 This Agreement shall continue in full force and effect for so long as the freelancer is processing personal data on behalf of Showtime Circus.
17.6 Within 30 days following termination of this agreement the above-named freelancer shall destroy all such personal data unless prohibited from doing so by any applicable law.  


Policies and regulations: You confirm that you have read, understood and agree with Showtime Circus’s policies and regulations on equal opportunities, child protection, health and safety, GDPR and staff conduct.


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Registered Company Number: 11830410  More info:


Web Maintenance by Elevate - Business Development Services


Registered Address:

Unit 43 Barns And Stables Timworth Green, Timworth,

Bury St. Edmunds, England, IP31 1HS




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